Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Reads - The Lying Game

I decided to create a Friday Reads section to the blog so that it's used during the times I'm still getting around to the actual book reviews.

This Friday I'm reading The Lying Game by Sara Shepard. I've only gotten to page 44 so far so I'm not exactly sure how I feel about the book. I am really use to the Pretty Little Liars books, so maybe I'm less responsive to a new idea of Sheperd's. I'm not hooked like I was with PLL.

So far I've learned that Sutton Mercer is dead and someone killed her and put the video on Youtube. Creepy, yes. Emma is an orphan who is desperate to get away from her slimey "brother" and her foster mother, so she runs off to find the girl who looks exactly like her - Sutton, her long lost twin.

I know it's realistic and all, but devoting a whole scene about looking over someone's Facebook page is a bit tedious. It did give Emma plenty of facts to search for (because she doesn't know that Sutton is dead.) So, presumably the person who murdered Sutton wrote Emma a message on FB, asking her to meet in Tuscon, Arizona. Emma blindly believes this person and is running around alone in Chapter 4, where I am now.

If this goes where I think it's going to go then it will be fine but extremely predictable (is she going to pose as Sutton but the killer knows the truth?)


  1. I'm having a post-Gone Girl slump and having trouble connecting with other novels. Did you read We Need to Talk About Kevin? It's such wonderful writing but a slow-going read for me.

  2. No! I need to read Gone Girl since I've heard the title so often. We Need to Talk About Kevin was a frustrating movie to watch too, wasn't it?
